NAPS / Tyra Wigg (SE)


Bookings are closed for this event.

Datum & tid: söndag, 8 december 18:00 - 19:00

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Inspirerad av mänsklighetens eskalerande saga om ständig produktivitet och maximerade prestationer, väver NAPS en mjuk matta för den hyperstimulerade kroppen att vila på. Den överväldigande trötthet som kan uppstå i efterdyningarna av en stor prestation välkomnas sällan i det publika rummet, men i NAPS intar den själva strålkastarljuset. Scenen, som så många gånger varit centrum för otaliga högpresterande stjärnors uppgång och fall, ser vi som den givna platsen för att hylla tröttheten och dess förförande förmåga att upplösa spända muskler och sinnen. NAPS bejakar och stimulerar detta upplösta tillstånd, som i sin tur bär potential till ännu oskrivna rörelser och narrativ.

Idé, koreografi, performance: Tyra Wigg
Komposition, musik, performance: Siri Jennefelt
Musikalisk research: Aram Abbas

Foto: Elinor Tollerz Bratteby

Projektet stöds av Weld, Stockholms Stad, Konstnärsnämnden och

NAPS / Tyra Wigg (SE)


This event is fully booked.

Datum & tid: söndag, 8 december 18:00 - 19:00

Ladda ner evenemanget iCal

Inspired by humanity’s escalating tale of incessant productivity and maximized achievements, NAPS is weaving a soft carpet on which the hyper-stimulated body can rest. The overwhelming tiredness that can occur in the aftermath of a big achievement is seldom welcomed in the public sphere, but in NAPS it finds itself under the spotlight. The stage, so many times center for the rise and fall of innumerable high-achieving stars, is now the place to celebrate the tiredness and its seductive ability to dissolve contracted muscles and minds. NAPS affirms and stimulates this dissolved state, which in turn carries potential for yet unwritten movements and narratives.

Concept, choreography, performance: Tyra Wigg
Music composition, music, performance: Siri Jennefelt
Music research: Aram Abbas

Photo: Elinor Tollerz Bratteby

The Project is supported by Weld, Stockholms Stad, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee and

NAPS / Tyra Wigg (SE)


This event is fully booked.

Datum & tid: söndag, 8 december 18:00 - 19:00

Ladda ner evenemanget iCal

Inspired by humanities ongoing tale of escalating productivity and the imperative to maximize achievements, NAPS is weaving a soft carpet on which the hyper-stimulated body can rest. The overwhelming tiredness that can occur in the aftermath of a big achievement is seldom welcomed in the public sphere, but in NAPS it finds itself under the spotlight. The stage, so many times center for the rise and fall of innumerable high-achieving stars, is now the place to celebrate the tiredness and its seductive ability to dissolve contracted muscles and minds. NAPS affirms and stimulates this dissolved state, which in turn carries potential for yet unwritten movements and narratives.

Concept, choreography, performance: Tyra Wigg
Music composition, music, performance: Siri Jennefelt
Music research: Aram Abbas

Photo: Elinor Tollerz Bratteby

The Project is supported by Weld, Stockholms Stad, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee and