Warriors: Chiron In Aries, Recital #1 / Frédéric Gies (FR/SE)


This event is fully booked.

Datum & tid: fredag, 2 oktober 19:00 - 20:00

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Warriors: Chiron in Aries, Recital #1 är en koreografi inspirerad av mytologi och astrologi där fyra dansare rör sig till ett technoset av Fiedel. I intensiva och individuella solon, skapade i nära relation till musiken, uttrycker de en självklar och ren viljestyrka och en djärv önskan till motstånd.

Genom att kanalisera utomvärldsliga krafter åkallar de rebelliska, närmast offerlika danser. De omvandlar ilska till motstånd och konstruktiv handling snarare än att uttrycka en meningslös destruktiv kraft. I dessa solon sägs inte “jag” på bekostnad av “vi”, utan snarare till kollektivets tjänst. Lika mycket som dansarna utstrålar ren viljekraft och kompromisslöst mod, avslöjar de också dolda sår i ett offrande av deras egen sårbarhet.

Även om verket varken handlar om astrologi eller mytologi relaterar det till dess symboliska och poetiska kvaliteter. Tillsammans förkroppsligar danserna olika arketyper, från Chiron “den sårade helaren” till flertal rebelliska, krigs- och skyddsgudinnor.

Warriors: Chiron in Aries, Recital #1, är den första delen i en kommande cykel av fyra verk som lyfter fram dansens förmåga att tala utan att demonstrera något.

Koreografi: Frédéric Gies | Dans: Frédéric Gies, Disa Krosness, Julia Plawgo, Andrea Svensson | Original soundtrack: Fiedel | Ljusdesign: Thomas Zamolo | Konstnärlig assistent: Elizabeth Ward | Kostym: Grzegorz Matlag | Mentor/astrodramaturg: Renee Sills | Samproducerad av Inkonst, Weld och Skogen / residens vid MARC och SITE / med stöd av Kulturrådet och Malmö stad | Tack till Anna Grip

Foto: Thomas Zamolo

Weld stöds av Stockholms stad, Statens kulturråd och Region Stockholm

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Warriors: Chiron In Aries, Recital #1 / Frédéric Gies (FR/SE)


This event is fully booked.

Datum & tid: fredag, 2 oktober 19:00 - 20:00

Ladda ner evenemanget iCal

Warriors: Chiron in Aries, Recital #1is an offering in which four dancers engage in tailor-made solos, composed in a tight relationship to the techno beats of an original soundtrack by Fiedel. Channeling otherworldly forces, the rebellious, almost sacrificial dances that constitute the piece invoke the figure of the sacred warrior. They transform anger into resistance and constructive action, rather than expressing it as a pointless destructive force. In these solos, saying “I” is not a the expense of a “we”, but rather at the service of a collective. As much as the dancers exude a sheer force of will and an uncompromising boldness, they also uncover unutterable wounds as in an offering of their own vulnerability.

Although this piece is neither about astrology nor about mythology, it relates to them as symbolic and poetic frameworks. The dances embody altogether different archetypes from Chiron “the wounded healer” to many rebellious, warrior and guardian goddesses*.

Warriors: Chiron in Aries, Recital #1, is the first piece of a cycle of four pieces to come, which bring to the forefront the capacity of dance to speak without demonstrating anything.

* In astrology, celestial objects such as planets, minor planets and asteroids, are named after different mythological figures. These figures function as archetypes that relate to different matters in our lives, personally and collectively. With the progresses of astronomy, several celestial objects have been discovered and named after goddesses (Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Juno, Lilith, Eris…). Astrologers progressively integrated them in their practice. Chiron (both classified as minor planet and comet) is also a rather recent discovery. In astrology, it addresses our deepest wounds and our capacity to heal.


Choreography:Frédéric Gies | Dance:Frédéric Gies, Disa Krosness, Julia Plawgo, Andrea Svensson | Original soundtrack:Fiedel | Lighting design: Thomas Zamolo | Artistic assistant: Elizabeth Ward | Costumes:Grzegorz Matlag | Mentor/astrodramaturge:Renee Sills | Co-produced by Inkonst, Weld and Skogen / residence at MARC and SITE / with the support of Kulturrådet and Malmö stad | Thanks to Anna Grip

Photo:Thomas Zamolo

Weld is supported by Stockholms Stad, the Swedish Arts Council and the Stockholm County Council.

Due to Covid-19

Currently we have limited seats with safe distance. Only pre bookings is valid. Be on time!

To make entry easier and safer, we use Swish. Price for this event is 120 kr (full) and 100 kr (student).

Swish to 1230736397

Swish message:Warriors

NOTE! For everyone’s sake, we ask the audience to keep their distance from each other and avoid queuing.